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5 posts tagged with "cardtable"

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· One min read
Eric Lloyd

Hi everyone - it's been a while since I've updated this blog, and in that time a lot of things have been added to Cardtable! Let's get to them!

New games

Since the last blog post, I've added support for a bunch of new games, including the following:

  • Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game swdbg
  • Marvel Legendary marvel legendary
  • Lorcana lorcana
  • Star Wars Unlimited star wars unlimited
  • Earthborne Rangers earthborne rangers

Each of these games had a unique challenge that helped make the Cardtable platform better with each addition. Try some of them out!

Peeking at cards

A common feature of a lot of cards games is looking at some of the cards on the top of your deck, and then drawing some, putting some back on top, and putting some on the bottom of the deck. Cardtable now supports this in a much nicer way than before!


Custom content

The most exciting news is that Cardtable now supports custom content! custom This is very early stages, so head over to the discord if you'd like to learn more!

· One min read
Eric Lloyd

Hi all - I've been focusing on cleaning up some of the most common requests I've gotten for Cardtable, and today I'm releasing several of these changes! They include

Exhaust All / Ready all

Now, if you select multiple cards, and some are exhausted and some are not, if you "Exhaust Cards" first all cards will become exhausted, then they will all ready

Exhaust All

Save / Load game

The most requested feature, you can now save your game to a file and load from a file!

Save and Load

Pan even when not in pan mode

Now, if you hold the Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) key, even when you are not in pan mode you can still pan the table!

Reset / Quit confirmation

Just so you don't accidentally reset or quit a game, now there are confirmation dialogs in place for reset / quit!

Thanks everyone who has been using Cardtable, I love hearing everyone's feedback.

And stay tuned, as a new game will be arriving out of testing soon......

· 2 min read
Eric Lloyd

I'm super excited to share some information on a major new release for Cardtable! This release has several small feature changes, a few big "under-the-cover" changes, and a new game type available!

New Game Support

Let's start with the big one - the new game! Cardtable now support War of the Ring: The Card Game by Ares games.



I absolutely adore the War of the Ring board game, and while I haven't played it as much, I already love the card game version!

In releasing another game on Cardtable, and a game that is structurally different from the other two LCGs, I had to make a lot of under-the-hood improvements, including things like:

  • Supporting cards of different sizes
  • Supporting free-standing-tokens that can be flipped
  • Allowing for a counter with a specific icon
  • Allowing for 4 different numeric counters on a card
  • Having a more consistent way to create / load various game types

This took a good deal of effort, but ultimately should make it easier to add additional games in the future.

New Multiplayer backend

In addition to the new game type, I've completely revamped the behind-the-scenes workings of multiplayer. For those of you technically inclined out there, I basically swapped from WebRTC to WebSockets. This means I had to implement a small web service to manage the websocket connections, but it also made some things easier (Hello 3 and 4 player multiplayer support!)

New Features

There were also a lot of things that I fixed / updated across multiple games. Highlights include:

  • Adding an acceleration token for Marvel Champions

  • Changing how tokens are added / removed from a card. Now to add you use Cmd / Ctrl / Alt + 1, 2, 3, 4 to add values, and Shift + 1, 2, 3, 4 to remove values

· 2 min read
Eric Lloyd


Hi Everyone! I'm super excited to be sharing publicly what has long been just a personal labor of love for me. I'm excited to share with the amazing communities for the LOTR LCG and Marvel Champions LCG games.

Cardtable started life many years ago as a simple hobby project and a way for me to learn more about React and HTML5 canvases. Then, as the pandemic and isolation of the pandemic began in 2020, I realized a few things:

  • I was going to be in my house looking for entertainment way more often than I was used to
  • I wanted to play Marvel Champions and LOTR LCG more
  • Given that my kids were also around and constantly helping me "practice context switching", I needed to be able to set up games quickly
  • My son was getting to the age where I could play with him, and I wanted a super easy and fun way to play with him without all the setup / tear down

Given my background as a software engineer, I decided I could build something that would solve my problems and be a fun technical challenge.

A lot of you in the community may know that there are existing ways to play these games digitaly: OCTGN, Tabletop Simulator, the awesome to name a few. However, none of these hit all the things I wanted in a digital version:

  • No need to install anything
  • Could support multiple games
  • Cross-platform
  • Built from the ground up for mobile / touch support
  • Offline play
  • No need for a server (for single-player for sure)
  • No need for a server (for multiplayer? Was this possible, I wondered?)

So these became my goals for my application. And I'm happy to say that I've achieved all of them to some degree!

After years of work, I'm excited to show off what I've been working on, and I just hope that it is as useful for you as it has been for me! I hope you'll excuse me as I work on some of the rough edges, and if you have any interest in helping, please reach out!